In 2020, the then Prime Minister Suga declared that Japan will achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. In order to achieve the goal of "limiting global warming to below 1.5 degrees Celsius compared to pre-industrial levels" as set out in the Paris Agreement adopted in 2015, many other countries around the world are taking similar actions. In the field of ocean development, we need to address the issues such as, global warming countermeasures, the use of renewable energy and the transition to decarbonized fuels.
In order to address such issues, The Nippon Foundation is implementing a joint R&D program with DeepStar*1 and Scottish Enterprise*2.
In December 2021, the Nippon Foundation signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with DeepStar (USA) and started a new joint R&D program to promote decarbonization in offshore oil and gas technology development. Currently, 12 projects are ongoing under this new program. In 2017, an MoU was signed with Scottish Enterprise and a new scheme was launched in 2019 to promote joint R&D for a "blue economy," a concept aimed at realizing economic growth through sustainable use of the ocean. As of November 2022, a total of 9 projects have been completed under this R&D program with Scottish Enterprise.
In this seminar, Japanese companies that have worked on these joint R&D projects will report on the progress of joint R&D with DeepStar and present the achievement of joint R&D with Scottish Enterprise.
*1 DeepStar : A consortium of offshore technology development consisting of companies responsible for exploration, development and production of offshore oil and natural gas around the world, such as Chevron (USA), Shell (UK) and Equinor (Norway), which are called upstream companies, and companies, universities, research institutes, etc. that provide products and services to these upstream companies
*2 Scottish Enterprise: Scotland's national economic development agency and a non-departmental public body of the Scottish Government. To deliver a significant, lasting effect on the Scottish economy, they work with partners in the public and private sectors to find and exploit the best opportunities.
This program is subject to change without prior notice.
開会挨拶:海野 光行(日本財団 常務理事)
Greetings : Mr. Mitsuyuki Unno (Executive Director, The Nippon Foundation )
第一部 日本財団―DeepStar連携技術開発プログラム
1st part : The Nippon Foundation - DeepStar Joint Research and Development Program
DeepStarの概要と最新の取組 DeepStar briefing and updates
Mr.Shakir Shamshy(Director, DeepStar) 講演資料 presentation material
深海技術と炭素回収・利用・貯留(CCUS)に関するシェブロンの視点 Chevron’s perspective on deepwater technologies and carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS)
Mr.Pat Toomey (Manager, DeepStar) 講演資料 presentation material
Presentation on ongoing projects under NF- DeepStar joint Ocean Innovation Project
海洋石油・ガス生産における潮力発電および随伴水からの金属除去・回収システムの開発 System Development for Wave Energy Harvesting and Metal Removal & Recovery from Produced Water in Offshore Oil and Gas Production
海洋CCSのための液体CO2の最適管理技術の開発 及び 海底パイプライン輸送における水素・天然ガス混合物の監視技術の開発 Optimization of compression performance for CCUS using process model-based control technology & Hydrogen-natural gas blends phase behavior for safe offshore pipeline transport
洋上石油生産時の随伴ガスからブルーアンモニアを製造するシステムの開発 Development of blue ammonia production system from associated gas on offshore platforms
第二部 日本財団―スコットランド開発公社連携技術開発プログラム
2nd part : The Nippon Foundation – Scottish Enterprise Joint Research and Development Programme
スコットランドの洋上風力発電でネットゼロへ ―更なる日本・スコットランドのイノベーションを構築― Scotland Offshore Wind Journey to Net Zero -Building on Japan and Scotland Innovation –
Dr. Stephen Baker (Country Head of Japan, Scottish Development International (SDI)) 講演資料 presentation material
Presentation on projects under NF- Scottish Enterprise joint Ocean Innovation Project
浮体式洋上風力発電の係留チェーンの寿命予測手法と係留材料最適化のためのナイロンロープの開発」 “Durability assessment of mooring chains and development of nylon ropes for design optimization of mooring system for floating offshore wind turbines”
BBRG(Bridon Bekaert the Rope Group),TTI Marine Renewables
パイプライン検査用AUV搭載ロボットアームおよび検査センサの開発 Development of robotic arm and sensor for pipeline inspection AUV
Hydrason Solutions
日本財団 連携技術開発プログラムについて
The Nippon Foundation’s technical partnership development program
中川直人(日本財団 海洋開発人材育成推進室 室長)
Mr. Naoto Nakagawa(Director, Office of Offshore Development,The Nippon Foundation) 講演資料 presentation material
進行中の事業一覧/Ongoing Joint R&D Projects with DeepStar
DeepStar Partner
液体CO2の最適管理技術の開発 Optimization of compression performance of CCUS using process model-based control technology
洋上施設におけるロボットを活用した危険等を予測する自動点検システムの開発 [PoC of YRSP (Yokogawa Robotics Services Platform) and EX ROVR (explosion proof autonomous inspection robot developed by Mitsubishi)]
Mr. Patrick (Pat) Toomey (Chevron) (Manager, DeepStar)
Chevron社の上流オペレーションにおけるAsset Class Hubリーダー。同社の研究開発活動においてその優先順位付けと調整を行い、収益の最大化と環境パフォーマンスの向上のための業務を担当。カリフォルニア州立大学ロングビーチ校で機械工学の学士号を取得後、ルイジアナ州立大学にてMBAを取得。これまでカリフォルニア、ルイジアナ、テキサス、タイにあるシェブロンの上流部門と下流部門においてエンジニアリング、オペレーション、リーダーシップの各ポジションを歴任。現在は、テキサス州ヒューストンを拠点としている。
Dr. Stephen Baker (Country Head of Japan, Scottish Development International (SDI))